Dermoscopy in Skin of Color: The Journey So Far

Dermoscopy in Skin of Color: The Journey So Far


  • Enzo Errichetti Institute of Dermatology, "Santa Maria della Misericordia" University Hospital, Udine, Italy.
  • Aimilios Lallas First Department of Dermatology, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece
  • Giuseppe Argenziano Unit of Dermatology, Luigi Vanvitelli University of Campania, Naples, Italy


dermoscopy, dermatoscopy, epiluminescence, skin of color, dark skin, black skin, ethnic skin, dark phototype, african skin, systematic review


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How to Cite

Errichetti E, Lallas A, Argenziano G. Dermoscopy in Skin of Color: The Journey So Far. Dermatol Pract Concept. 2023;13(S1):e2023305S. doi:10.5826/dpc.1304S1a305S
