Laser Treatment in Hirsutism: An Update

Laser Treatment in Hirsutism: An Update


  • Yasmeen Jabeen Bhat Department of Dermatology, STD & Leprosy, Government Medical College, Srinagar, India
  • Safia Bashir Department of Dermatology, STD & Leprosy, Government Medical College, Srinagar, India
  • Nahida Nabi Department of Dermatology, STD & Leprosy, Government Medical College, Srinagar, India
  • Iffat Hassan Department of Dermatology, STD & Leprosy, Government Medical College, Srinagar, India


hirsutism, laser, photothermolysis, epilation


Unwanted hair growth, which is a common aesthetic problem, has traditionally been treated using various techniques such as shaving, waxing, and epilation, but most of these provide only a temporary solution. Laser and light-based technology for hair removal has become one of the fastest growing procedures in modern cosmetic dermatology in the last decade. Clinical experience suggests that in the ideal subject with fair skin and dark hair, laser treatment can reduce hair growth significantly. This article reviews the various laser and light-based devices used for hair removal along with the various laser and patient parameters that affect the outcome of laser treatment for hair removal. Photoepilation, when properly used, offers clear advantages when compared with older, traditional techniques.

Author Biographies

Yasmeen Jabeen Bhat, Department of Dermatology, STD & Leprosy, Government Medical College, Srinagar, India

Associate Professor,

Post graduate Department of Dermatology, STD & Leprosy,

Government Medical College, Karan Nagar Srinagar, J & K, India - 190010.


Safia Bashir, Department of Dermatology, STD & Leprosy, Government Medical College, Srinagar, India

Senior Resident

Post graduate Department of Dermatology, STD & Leprosy,

Government Medical College, Karan Nagar Srinagar, J & K, India - 190010

Nahida Nabi, Department of Dermatology, STD & Leprosy, Government Medical College, Srinagar, India

Postgraduate scholar

Post graduate Department of Dermatology, STD & Leprosy,

Government Medical College, Karan Nagar Srinagar, J & K, India - 190010

Iffat Hassan, Department of Dermatology, STD & Leprosy, Government Medical College, Srinagar, India

Professor and Head

Post graduate Department of Dermatology, STD & Leprosy,

Government Medical College, Karan Nagar Srinagar, J & K, India - 190010


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How to Cite

Bhat YJ, Bashir S, Nabi N, Hassan I. Laser Treatment in Hirsutism: An Update. Dermatol Pract Concept. 2020;10(2):e2020048. doi:10.5826/dpc.1002a48
